Why Heat Press T-Shirt Printing?

Why Heat Press T-Shirt Printing?


Why Heat Press T-Shirt Printing?

Heat transfer is a process of printing t-shirts in which the printed design is transferred from a special paper or vinyl onto the t-shirt through heat and pressure. Hence this process, the artwork is die cut on coloured vinyl or printed with speciality ink on speciality paper and then transferred to a garment by applying heat with a heat press. Heat-applied materials contain a heat-sensitive adhesive on one side and when heat is applied by a heat press to the material, the material adheres to the substrate to which it is being applied. Transfer printing is rapidly gaining importance in the textile and t-shirt printing industry. For example, process lets you print full-colour images on garments. Of course, advancements in heat transfer technologies have made this process better and it is also easier to make this type of printing on garments and t-shirts, but this is a time-consuming process, usually taking about three minutes to print a t-shirt.

T-Shirt Heat Press

There are different types and sources of transfers. Generally, a transfer is made up of vinyl & carrier paper and inks. When heat and pressure are applied to this paper the inks are transferred to the substrate you wish to print on to. Some transfers are topical, the image is applied to the surface of the substrate, and some other transfers are absorbed into the fibres of the t-shirt and they are called sublimation transfers.

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